Himba women seen at a village market

Himba women seen at a village market near Oncocua

Riches of another kind. Mwila boys

Nguendelengo boy from the Leba Mountain area with ground tree bark braided into his hair

Mwila women flying the flag for Angola, posing against a wall painted with the national colours

Vatua woman, pregnant with her seventh child

Nguendelengo man and woman, with traditional hair styles. He wears a mohawk, while she has a ‘Mickey Mouse.’ He blows a modified cow horn trumpet to call in their cattle

Muhakaona girl with hair styled with black peat and butter

Mucobal woman with headwear similar to Herero cow horn style worn in Namibia

Himba girl with forward facing braided hair, indicating that she is not yet available for marriage

Dimba woman with black peat and animal fat set into her hair, giving an appearance of a black cap

Vatua women dancing in a remote bar